Friday, January 28, 2011

Quotations by Matsushita.

It knocks me out sometimes that I can still, though I know what the words mean and can speak them, have no idea what a thing is actually trying to say: 他人は、すべて、自分よりもアカンと思うよりも、他人は自分よりエライのだ、自分のないものをもっているのだ、と思う方が、結局はトクである。


?! Not seeing how よりも。。。と思うよりも works.

Why do we need the 他人は repeated here? How does the は work?

I kinda think I may get this, though without a larger context....

Why 方? I'm assuming I'm interpreting 結局は correctly.

I'll take another look tomorrow after some sleep. Probably it's just that I'm thinking in English; maybe too the expression is witty in some way that's beyond me.

Take 2.

A は, then two よりも, the second of which follows a verb (without a だ before と思う); then the same は and stem repeated but this time with エライ, again in katakana, and のだ without a な (so presumably it's calling on the same noun as in the first construction?!), and then a second のだ phrase, and then a line starting with と思う, a 方が that may/should link to all the よりも, and then a super simple closing with another は that's probably a light one (as in 実は) rather than an actual topic marker. "In the end it's all profit"? I almost got somewhere with rearranging the phrases, but then I found a より in something I wanted sub to my 方. (?_?) (;_;)

I can't even figure out whether 自分 here is 他人 or the speaker. それも分からない。 It does make more sense if I read it as the speaker comparing others to himself. But why the two "よりも"?

Take 3. Maybe the speaker is comparing two quoted ways of thinking. "Rather than thinking you're better than everyone else (that others are more useless than you are), in the end you're better off thinking others are better than you and have things you don't have."

Adding quotation marks is helpful:
「他人は、すべて、自分よりもアカン」 と 思う より も、
「他人は自分よりエライのだ、自分のないものをもっているのだ」 と 思う 方 が、
結局 は、 トク で ある。

"Tanin ha, subete, jibun yori mo AKAN" to omou yori mo, "Tanin ha jibun yori ERAI no da, jibun no nai mono o motteiru no da" to omou hou ga, kekkyoku, TOKU de aru.

That kinda feels right.


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